Behringer Blood Glucose Meter A51 00000 30191 User Manual

Fastening of Bracket Assembly  
Befestigung des Haltebügels  
Fijación del Soporte  
Der Betrieb Ihres Lautsprecherssystem stellt – bei fehlerhafter und unsachgemäßer  
Installation – eine potenzielle Gefahrenquelle für Personen dar. Diese kann zu  
ernsthaften gesundheitlichen Schäden oder sogar zum Tod führen. Berücksichtigen  
Sie des weiteren Faktoren elektrischer, mechanischer und akustischer Art und  
diskutieren Sie diese vor der Installation mit qualifizierten und (staatlich) geprüften  
Fachleuten. Lassen Sie die Installation von Lautsprechern ausschließlich von  
qualifiziertem und geprüftem Fachpersonal unter ausschließlicher Verwendung von  
spezieller Ausrüstung und mitgelieferten Original-Zubehörteilen durchführen.  
Sollten Teile oder Komponenten fehlen, kontaktieren Sie bitte Ihren Händler vor Ort,  
bevor Sie versuchen, das System zu installieren.  
La instalación defectuosa y/o incorrecta de sus altavoces puede representar un  
serio peligro para otras personas, llegando a provocar serias lesiones e incluso la  
muerte. Considere los factores eléctricos, mecánicos y acústicos que representa  
la instalación, y discuta sus planes con alguien competente en la materia que  
cuente con reconocimiento oficial de alguna autoridad local, regional o nacional.  
La instalación y el mantenimiento de sus altavoces deben ser realizados por  
personal cualificado, utilizando exclusivamente componentes adecuados y los  
accesorios originales suministrados. Si llegaran a hacer falta piezas o accesorios  
en el suministro, póngase en contacto con su distribuidor antes de intentar  
instalar el sistema.  
Befolgen Sie unbedingt alle maßgeblichen örtlichen, regionalen und in Ihrem  
Land geltenden Sicherheitsbestimmungen. Für Sach- und Personenschäden,  
die durch unsachgemäßen Einsatz, Installation oder Betrieb herbeigeführt wurden,  
übernehmen wir (BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH einschließlich der auf  
dem beiliegenden Blatt “Service Information”genannten BEHRINGER Gesellschaften)  
keine Haftung! Lassen Sie das System regelmäßig von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal  
überprüfen, um einen sicheren Zustand des Systems zu gewährleisten.  
Sorgen Sie während der Installation dafür, dass keine Personen unter den  
Lautsprechern passieren können. Lautsprecher dürfen nicht in öffentlich  
zugänglichen Bereichen installiert werden.  
Siga todas las normas de seguridad locales, regionales y nacionales aplicables.  
Nosotros (BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH, incluyendo también a las  
demás empresas BEHRINGER mencionadas en la hoja “Service Information”)  
no podemos asumir responsabilidad alguna por lesiones o daños a terceros derivados  
de una instalación u operación incorrecta. Para garantizar un desempeño óptimo de  
su equipo procure revisiones periódicas por parte de personal cualificado. Al montar  
los altavoces, asegúrese de que no haya tránsito de personas debajo de éstos, y no los  
coloque en lugares donde puedan ser fácilmente manipulados por personas ajenas.  
Los altavoces producen un campo magnético incluso cuando no están en operación.  
No coloque cerca de los altavoces objetos susceptibles de sufrir daños por la influencia  
de dicho campo (disquetes, ordenadores, monitores de ordenador, etc.). Procure que  
haya por lo menos uno o dos metros de distancia entre los altavoces y este tipo  
de objetos.  
Lautsprecher erzeugen ein Magnetfeld, auch wenn sie nicht in Betrieb sind:  
Bitte bewahren Sie deshalb alle Materialien, die durch ein solches Feld  
beeinträchtigt oder beschädigt werden können (Disketten, Computer,  
Monitore etc.) in sicherer Entfernung auf. Eine sichere Entfernung liegt  
im Allgemeinen zwischen 1 und 2 Meter.  
Fissaggio Della Staffa di Sostegno  
Fixation de L’arceau de Montage  
Avertissement :  
Il funzionamento della cassa dell’altoparlante in possesso in quanto parte  
di un unico impianto a sospensione, se montato in modo errato ed improprio,  
può potenzialmente esporre le persone a seri pericoli per la salute e anche di  
morte. Inoltre prima di eseguire qualsiasi installazione o sospensione si prega di  
accertarsi che siano stati presi in considerazione e discussi con le persone qualificate  
e autorizzate (presso le autorità nazionali, regionali o locali) tutte le problematiche  
di tipo elettrico, meccanico e acustico. Accertarsi che le casse degli altoparlanti siano  
impostati e “appese”esclusivamente da personale specializzato certificato,  
usando l’apposita apparecchiatura nonché elementi e componenti originali in  
dotazione all’unità. In caso di mancanza di parti e componenti si prega di  
contattare il Rivenditore, prima di provare ad eseguire il montaggio del sistema.  
L’utilisation inadéquate ou erronée de vos baffles constitue un danger potentiel  
pouvant causer de sérieux dommages corporels voire même la mort aux personnes  
physiques. Par conséquent, nous vous prions de tenir compte des conditions  
électriques, mécaniques et acoustiques ainsi que d’en discuter avec du personnel  
spécialisé qualifié et reconnu avant toute installation. Faites réaliser l’installation  
et le montage des baffles uniquement par du personnel spécialisé qualifié équipé  
de l’outillage nécessaire et des accessoires originaux fournis avec les baffles.  
Si des pièces ou des composants manquent, contactez impérativement votre  
revendeur avant de tenter toute installation du système.  
Warning :  
If installed incorrectly or improperly, the operation of your speaker cabinet system can potentially expose persons to serious health risks and even death. In addition,  
please ensure that electrical, mechanical and acoustic considerations are discussed with qualified and certified (by local, state or national authorities) personnel prior to any  
installation or mounting. Please ensure that speaker cabinets are set up and mounted by qualified and certified personnel only, using dedicated equipment and original parts  
and components delivered with the unit. If any parts or components are missing please contact your dealer before attempting to set up the system.  
Respectez toutes les normes de sécurité en vigueur dans votre localité,  
région et/ou pays. Nous, BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH ainsi que les  
sociétés BEHRINGER mentionnées sur la feuille jointe « Service Information »,  
déclinons toute responsabilité concernant les dommages matériels et personnels  
engendrés par une mise en service, une installation et/ou une utilisation  
inappropriées ! Faites contrôler régulièrement votre système par du personnel  
spécialisé qualifié afin de vous assurer de son bon état et de sa compatibilité avec  
les normes de sécurité en vigueur. Lors du montage des baffles, assurez-vous que  
personne ne puisse circuler dans l’espace sous les baffles. N’installez pas de baffles  
dans les endroits facilement accessibles au public.  
Accertarsi di attenersi alle normative locali e nazionali nonché ad ulteriori  
normative di sicurezza in vigore nel proprio paese. Noi (BEHRINGER Spezielle  
Studiotechnik GmbH comprese le ditte BEHRINGER elencate nella scheda  
informative sull’assistenza tecnica “Service Information” sheet qui allegata)  
decliniamo ogni responsabilità per danni alle cose o lesioni alle persone causati da  
uso, montaggio o funzionamento improprio del prodotto! Regolarmente devono  
essere effettuati controlli eseguiti da personale qualificato per garantire che  
l’impianto sia in condizione stabili e sicure. Accertarsi che laddove l’altoparlante  
viene sospeso l’area sotto l’altoparlante venga chiusa al passaggio delle  
persone. Non appendere l’altoparlante in una zona in cui possono entrare ed  
uscire persone del pubblico.  
Be sure to observe the local, state and other safety regulations applicable in your country. We (BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH including the BEHRINGER companies  
listed on the enclosed “Service Information Sheet”) assume no liability for any damage or personal injury resulting from improper use, installation or operation of the product!  
Regular checks must be conducted by qualified personnel to ensure that the system remains in a secure and stable condition. When mounting the speaker, please ensure that  
the area underneath the speaker is free of human traffic. Do not mount the speaker in such a way that it can be easily accessed or tampered with by members of the public.  
Speakers create a magnetic field, even if not in operation. Therefore, please keep all materials which can be affected by such fields (discs, computers, monitors etc.)  
at a safe distance. A safe distance is usually between 1 and 2 meters.  
Les haut-parleurs produisent un champ magnétique même lorsqu’ils ne sont  
pas en service. Par conséquent, éloignez-en suffisamment tous les matériaux  
et objets pouvant être affectés ou endommagés par un tel champ magnétique  
(disquettes, ordinateur, tube cathodique, etc.). La distance de sécurité est  
généralement comprise entre un et deux mètres.  
Gli altoparlanti creano un campo magnetico anche quando non sono in funzione.  
Per cui, si consiglia di tenere ad una distanza di sicurezza tutti gli oggetti che  
possono essere influenzati da tali campi (dischi, computer, monitor, ecc).  
La distanza di sicurezza di solito è paria a 1 – 2 metri.  
Aperto do Conjunto de Suportes  
ブラ ケ固  
O funcionamento da sua coluna como componente de um sistema suspenso pode  
potencialmente expor as pessoas a sérios riscos de saúde e mesmo à morte, se for  
feita uma instalação incorrecta e inadequada. Assegure-se, além disso, de que as  
condições eléctricas, mecânicas e acústicas são ponderadas com pessoal qualificado  
e certificado (pelas autoridades locais, regionais ou nacionais) antes de qualquer  
instalação ou suspensão. Faça com que as colunas sejam dispostas e suspensas apenas  
por pessoal qualificado e certificado, utilizando o equipamento apropriado e as peças  
e componentes originais fornecidos com o dispositivo. Se faltarem quaisquer peças ou  
componentes, é favor contactar o seu Fornecedor antes de tentar montar o sistema.  
の梱包に含まれたナルの部 やパーツを使用作業を行よう  
にし下さい属パーツが含まれていない場合はステ ムを  
国や地方などで適用されている安全規制 条項などにも十分ご注意  
Assegure-se de que as prescrições locais, nacionais e de segurança vigentes no seu  
país são respeitadas. A BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH, assim como as  
companhias BEHRINGER listadas na “Service Information”(Folha de Informação  
de Serviço) anexa, não assumem responsabilidade por quaisquer danos ou lesões  
pessoais resultantes de uso, instalação ou funcionamento desapropriados do produto!  
Deverão realizar-se verificações regulares por pessoal qualificado, de modo a garantir  
que o sistema permaneça em condições seguras e estáveis. Assegure-se de que  
a área por baixo do local onde o altifalante está suspenso não é frequentada por  
pessoas. Não suspenda o altifalante em áreas que possam ser acedidas ou usadas por  
elementos do público.  
い 。 BEHRINGER (BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH や付属のサービス情  
報シートに記載したその他の BEHRINGER 各社) 置の誤使用やご操作  
によって生じたいかなる機材材的損害や損傷 には一切の責  
しません置したシステ ムが安全かつ安定した状態で使用可能かどう  
り下げられている状態の時 はピーカーの下を人が通らないようにご  
けるであろうデ クやコンピュ ータニ ターといったものはピー  
カーから十分距離を置いた場所に保管てくださ1 メートルから  
2 メートルの距離を保てば般的に影響はないものとされています。  
Os altifalantes criam um campo magnético, mesmo quando não estão a funcionar.  
Mantenha, portanto, todos os materiais que possam ser afectados por esses  
campos (discos, computadores, monitores, etc.) a uma distância segura.  
Geralmente, a distância segura é de 1 a 2 metros.  
Σταθεροποιηση του δα Τυλιου Στερεωσεως  
在线性悬挂的系统中, 如扩声音箱安装不当, 操作时可能会造成严  
重的人员伤害甚至死亡。 此外, 在安装之前, 请无必与经过 (地区或国家)  
认证、 具有资格的专业人员充分讨论有关电气、 机械以及音响诸方面  
的问题。 只有经过认证, 具有资格的专业人员才能设置和悬挂扩声音箱。  
设置和悬挂时只能使用专设备和随货同时供应的原装配件。 如配件或零  
件不齐全的话, 请在尝试设置系统之前联系您的经销商。  
Η λειτουργία της καμπίνας ηχείων σας ως τμήματος ενός εναέριου κινητού συστήματος  
ενδέχεται να προκαλέσει την έκθεση ατόμων σε κίνδυνο σοβαρής βλάβης της υγείας ή  
και θανάτου. Επιπλέον, θα πρέπει να βεβαιωθείτε ότι τα ηλεκτρολογικά, μηχανολογικά  
και ακουστικά θέματα θα συζητηθούν με ειδικευμένο και πιστοποιημένο (από τοπικές,  
περιφερειακές ή εθνικές Αρχές) προσωπικό πριν από κάθε εγκατάσταση ή εναέρια  
κίνηση. Βεβαιωθείτε ότι η εγκατάσταση και η εναέρια κίνηση των καμπινών ηχείων  
εκτελείται μόνο από ειδικευμένο και πιστοποιημένο προσωπικό, με τη χρήση ειδικού  
εξοπλισμού και των αυθεντικών εξαρτημάτων και στοιχείων που συνοδεύουν τη  
μονάδα. Αν λείπουν οποιαδήποτε εξαρτήματα ή στοιχεία, επικοινωνήστε με την τοπική  
αντιπροσωπεία προτού επιχειρήσετε να εγκαταστήσετε το σύστημα.  
请务必遵守所在国家, 所在地区、 和州的安全条例。 我们 (附件 服务信  
息表中列出的 BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH 公司, 包括 BEHRINGER  
分公司) 对于任何由于使用、 安装或操作不当引 起的物质损坏或者人员  
伤害不承担任何责任!具有资格的人员必须定 时检查, 以确保系统处于  
安全稳定的状态。 在悬挂起来的扩声音箱下, 不能有人走动 请务必不  
能在公共场合和友人走动的地方线性悬挂扩 声音箱。 音箱在未开机的  
状态下也会产生磁场。 因此, 请将任何可能受到磁场影响的材料 (磁盘、  
计算机、 显示器等等) 放置在安全距离以外。 安全距离通常为 1 2 米。  
Τηρείτε σε κάθε περίπτωση τους τοπικούς, εθνικούς και άλλους κανονισμούς  
ασφαλείας που ισχύουν στη χώρα σας. Εμείς (η εταιρεία BEHRINGER Spezielle  
Studiotechnik GmbH, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των εταιρειών BEHRINGER που  
αναφέρονται στο συνημμένο «Service Information» – Φύλλο πληροφοριών σέρβις)  
δεν αναλαμβάνουμε καμία ευθύνη για οποιαδήποτε ζημία ή σωματική βλάβη που  
ενδέχεται να προκύψει από εσφαλμένη χρήση, εγκατάσταση ή λειτουργία του  
προϊόντος! Θα πρέπει να διεξάγονται τακτικοί έλεγχοι από ειδικευμένο προσωπικό για  
να διασφαλιστεί η διατήρηση του συστήματος σε ασφαλή και σταθερή κατάσταση.  
Βεβαιωθείτε ότι κατά την εναέρια κίνηση του ηχείου δεν υπάρχουν άτομα που  
κυκλοφορούν στο χώρο κάτω από αυτό. Μην εκτελείτε εναέρια κίνηση του ηχείου σε  
χώρους όπου υπάρχει το ενδεχόμενο εισόδου του κοινού ή χρήσης από το κοινό.  
Τα ηχεία δημιουργούν ένα μαγνητικό πεδίο, ακόμη και αν δεν λειτουργούν.  
Γιαυτόν το λόγο, διατηρείτε σε ασφαλή απόσταση όλα τα υλικά που ενδέχεται να  
επηρεαστούν από αυτά τα πεδία (δίσκους, υπολογιστές, οθόνες, κλπ.). Μια ασφαλής  
απόσταση είναι συνήθως 1 με 2 μέτρα.  
(4) This limited warranty is invalid if the factory-applied serial number has been altered or  
removed from the product.  
(5) Free inspections and maintenance/repair work are expressly excluded from this limited  
warranty, in particular, if caused by improper handling of the product by the user.  
This also applies to defects caused by normal wear and tear, in particular, of faders,  
crossfaders, potentiometers, keys/buttons, guitar strings, illuminants and similar parts.  
§ 1 Warranty  
(1) This limited warranty is valid only if you purchased the product from a BEHRINGER  
authorized dealer in the country of purchase. A list of authorized dealers can be found  
on BEHRINGER’s website under “Where to Buy“, or you can contact the  
BEHRINGER office closest to you.  
(6) Damage/defects caused by the following conditions are not covered by this  
limited warranty:  
(2) MUSIC Group* warrants the mechanical and electronic components of this product to be  
free of defects in material and workmanship if used under normal operating conditions for a  
period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase (see the Limited Warranty terms in  
§ 4 below), unless a longer minimum warranty period is mandated by applicable local laws.  
If the product shows any defects within the specified warranty period and that defect is not  
excluded under § 4, MUSIC Group shall, at its discretion, either replace or repair the product  
using suitable new or reconditioned product or parts. In case MUSIC Group decides to  
replace the entire product, this limited warranty shall apply to the replacement product for  
the remaining initial warranty period, i.e., one (1) year (or otherwise applicable minimum  
warranty period) from the date of purchase of the original product.  
improper handling, neglect or failure to operate the unit in compliance with  
the instructions given in BEHRINGER user or service manuals;  
connection or operation of the unit in any way that does not comply with the  
technical or safety regulations applicable in the country where the product  
is used;  
damage/defects caused by acts of God/Nature (accident, fire, flood, etc)  
or any other condition that is beyond the control of MUSIC Group.  
(7) Any repair or opening of the unit carried out by unauthorized personnel (user included)  
will void the limited warranty.  
(3) Upon validation of the warranty claim, the repaired or replacement product will be returned  
to the user freight prepaid by MUSIC Group.  
(8) If an inspection of the product by MUSIC Group shows that the defect in question is not  
covered by the limited warranty, the inspection costs are payable by the customer.  
(4) Warranty claims other than those indicated above are expressly excluded.  
(9) Products which do not meet the terms of this limited warranty will be repaired exclusively  
at the buyer’s expense. MUSIC Group or its authorized service center will inform the buyer  
of any such circumstance. If the buyer fails to submit a written repair order within 6 weeks  
after notification, MUSIC Group will return the unit C.O.D. with a separate invoice for freight  
and packing. Such costs will also be invoiced separately when the buyer has sent in a written  
repair order.  
§ 2 Online registration  
Please do remember to register your new BEHRINGER equipment right after your purchase at under “Support”and kindly read the terms and conditions of our limited warranty  
carefully. Registering your purchase and equipment with us helps us process your repair claims  
quicker and more efficiently. Thank you for your cooperation!  
(10) Authorized BEHRINGER dealers do not sell new products directly in online auctions.  
Purchases made through an online auction are on a “buyer beware”basis. Online auction  
confirmations or sales receipts are not accepted for warranty verification and MUSIC Group  
will not repair or replace any product purchased through an online auction.  
§ 3 Return materials authorization  
§ 5 Warranty transferability  
This limited warranty is extended exclusively to the original buyer (customer of authorized retail  
dealer) and is not transferable to anyone who may subsequently purchase this product. No other  
person (retail dealer, etc.) shall be entitled to give any warranty promise on behalf of MUSIC Group.  
(1) To obtain warranty service, please contact the retailer from whom the  
equipment was purchased. Should your BEHRINGER dealer not be located in your  
vicinity, you may contact the BEHRINGER distributor for your country listed under  
“Support” at If your country is not listed, please check if your  
problem can be dealt with by our “Online Support” which may also be found under  
“Support” at Alternatively, please submit an online warranty claim  
at BEFORE returning the product. All inquiries must be accompanied  
by a description of the problem and the serial number of the product. After verifying  
the product’s warranty eligibility with the original sales receipt, MUSIC Group will then  
issue a Return Materials Authorization (“RMA”) number.  
§ 6 Claim for damage  
Subject only to the operation of mandatory applicable local laws, MUSIC Group shall have  
no liability to the buyer under this warranty for any consequential or indirect loss or damage  
of any kind. In no event shall the liability of MUSIC Group under this limited warranty exceed  
the invoiced value of the product.  
(2) Subsequently, the product must be returned in its original shipping carton, together with  
the return authorization number to the address indicated by MUSIC Group.  
§ 7 Limitation of liability  
This limited warranty is the complete and exclusive warranty between you and MUSIC Group.  
It supersedes all other written or oral communications related to this product. MUSIC Group  
provides no other warranties for this product.  
(3) Shipments without freight prepaid will not be accepted.  
§ 4 Warranty exclusions  
(1) This limited warranty does not cover consumable parts including, but not limited to,  
fuses and batteries. Where applicable, MUSIC Group warrants the valves or meters  
contained in the product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a  
period of ninety (90) days from date of purchase.  
§ 8 Other warranty rights and national law  
(1) This limited warranty does not exclude or limit the buyer’s statutory rights  
as a consumer in any way.  
(2) This limited warranty does not cover the product if it has been electronically or mechanically  
modified in any way. If the product needs to be modified or adapted in order to comply  
with applicable technical or safety standards on a national or local level, in any country  
which is not the country for which the product was originally developed and manufactured,  
this modification/adaptation shall not be considered a defect in materials or workmanship.  
This limited warranty does not cover any such modification/adaptation, regardless of  
whether it was carried out properly or not. Under the terms of this limited warranty,  
MUSIC Group shall not be held responsible for any cost resulting from such  
a modification/adaptation.  
(2) The limited warranty regulations mentioned herein are applicable unless they constitute  
an infringement of applicable mandatory local laws.  
(3) This warranty does not detract from the seller’s obligations in regard to any lack  
of conformity of the product and any hidden defect.  
§ 9 Amendment  
Warranty service conditions are subject to change without notice. For the latest warranty terms  
and conditions and additional information regarding MUSIC Group’s limited warranty, please see  
complete details online at  
(3) This limited warranty covers only the product hardware. It does not cover technical  
assistance for hardware or software usage and it does not cover any software products  
whether or not contained in the product. Any such software is provided “AS IS”  
unless expressly provided for in any enclosed software limited warranty.  
* MUSIC Group Macao Commercial Offshore Limited of Rue de Pequim No. 202-A, Macau Finance Centre 9/J, Macau, including all  
MUSIC Group companies  
Technical specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. MUSIC Group accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either  
wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. Colors and specifications may vary slightly from product. BEHRINGER products are sold through authorized dealers only. Distributors and dealers are not agents of MUSIC Group and have absolutely no authority to bind  
MUSIC Group by any express or implied undertaking or representation. This manual is copyrighted. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written  
permission of MUSIC Group IP Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2011 MUSIC Group IP Ltd. Trident Chambers, Wickhams Cay, P.O. Box 146, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands  

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